Great Benefits
This is the administration of vitamins and/or minerals directly into the bloodstream. By doing this, the GI tract is bypassed, resulting in almost 100% absorption of the nutrients. This translates to feeling better much faster! All infusions are mixed into a 0.9% normal saline solution.
0.9% Normal Saline
Burn fat, feel energized, and boost your metabolism. Contains: Glutamine, Lysine, Levocarnitine, and B complex vitamins.
Decrease recovery time and enhance your performance. Contains: Toradol, Glutamine, Lysine, Levocarnitine, Magnesium, Selenite, Vitamin C, and B complex vitamins.
Fight acne, wrinkles, and tired skin from inside out. Contains: Biotin, Vitamin C, and B complex vitamins.
Boost your immune system and feel better faster. Contains: Vitamin C, Zinc, and B complex vitamins.
Immunity + Allergy
Kick your allergy symptoms to the curb with our special formulation of vitamins.
Hydrate and combat fatigue from dehydration. Contains: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Selenite, Glutamine, and B complex vitamins.
Ease hangover headaches, nausea, and dehydration. Contains: Zofran, Magnesium, Selenite, and B complex vitamins.
Help ease pain associated with migraines, muscle aches, and joint pain. Contains: Toradol, Magnesium, and Vitamin C.